10 Self-Care Practices Every Woman Should Adopt in their 30’s

As women, we tend to take on a lot. Like A LOT a lot. We want to have the career, build a family, keep strong friendships, have our finances together, keep ourselves mentally stable, stay current on what’s happening in the world and trying to always show up as our best.


In all of this, it’s so easy to forget to take care of ourselves and invest in our own happiness and fulfillment.

We hear about “self-care” all the time to the point that it’s like a cliche. However, I look at it as a necessity. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” It couldn’t be more true, I tried and failed at this epically.

Last summer I had my position dissolved unexpectedly. I scrambled for months to try to find a new job and hustle to get enough money to pay even a fraction of the bills.

My fiancé (now my husband) was getting so resentful and I felt like an absolute failure for not being able to do what seemed so simple. I let his frustrations turn all of my feelings to guilt and worry. I got so stressed I stopped taking care of myself. I mean I wouldn’t get out of bed, I wouldn’t do my hair or brush my teeth sometimes. It got ugly, I’m not going to lie.

The point of me telling you all this is to say, treating myself that way didn’t help. I needed to be taking care of myself so when opportunities arose, I could show up as my best self.

The same goes for you. You deserve to show up as your best self in life. Every day. But what does that even look like? And how do you start? Well keep reading for 10 self care practices every woman should adopt in her 30’s!

Take Time for Connection

Did you know that people with stronger social connections have a 50% increased chance of survival. Social connections can help prevent serious illnesses and outcomes, according to the CDC?

We are all built to be connected to one another. One of the most important self care practices is to maintain these relationships. Set in your calendar two days a month to see a friend or a loved one.

Of course you can do this much more frequently if your schedule allows, but for the busy bees out there, this is a great place to start.

Once you’ve scheduled your two dates (or more) make sure you dedicate your time to the experience. Stay off your phone and stay fully invested in the conversation or activity. Be fully present!

Also use this time to talk about some deeper thoughts or feelings, maybe even share some struggles you’re going through. Sharing this with someone who is a safe space and can either be a great listening ear or a great advice giver, will take a lot off your emotional plate.


We live in a world of constants. Constant ads, screens, demands, work, interaction, stress. We are so busy all the time with life that we never notice how overstimulated we are.

My second self care practice to adopt in your 30’s is to fully remove stimulation. Once a week try to go to a quiet place. It could be your room, in a bath, outside on a bench at a quiet park, or if you have the means, at a spa.

Turn your phone on do not disturb and don’t look at it. NO cheating!!! Sit or lay down and close your eyes for a moment. Set your mind on thinking about positive things and express gratitude. If it won’t cause you stress, think about some goals you want to achieve to get your mind refocused and motivated.

And then from there do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Learn to sit in the quiet and enjoy it. Decompress your body and feel it release all the tension and stress.

Try to do this for 30 minutes to an hour. Once you’ve relaxed and detoxed your brain, try to ease back into your tasks for the day. You don’t want to feel all the stress leave and then immediately run errands and get stuck in traffic. So be mindful of how you plan your time around your detox time!

Get Organized

I don’t know about you, but when I live in clutter, my mind goes absolutely haywire. The clutter alone gives me anxiety, but the searching for things I need last minute is the worst. If you’re anything like me you know this feeling too!

Being organized is part of what calms us and allows for our mental capacity to be used elsewhere. Getting those old clothes out of the closet, tossing out things you no longer need, organizing the linen closet, or even worse - the Midwest junk drawer!

These kinds of things will bring you a sense of peace and calm so you can focus on you!

Regular Exercise

This is the last thing you wanted to see on list, I know. But hear me out! Exercise is so crucial to several parts of our lives. Not only does it help with your general health and give you endorphins, but it promotes better sleep, mood, and energy levels.

I’m not saying you have to go to a gym and hit the weights every day. I’m suggesting the opposite actually! Find something you love that gets you active. Yes, maybe it’s the gym or getting on a treadmill, but for most of us it’s not.

For me, it was unique classes or workouts. For a long time I followed along my favorite YouTube trainer who has killer at home workout videos. I also took Pilates and Barre classes, both of which were intense!

I also hear great things about cycling and OrangeTheory classes. These kinds of work outs are what will inspire you to keep sticking with it and feeling better every day!

Creative Expression

This is such an important step in self-care and self-love, even if you don’t consider yourself a very creative person. Creativity provides a constructive outlet for processing and expressing complex emotions that may be difficult to articulate verbally. It allows us to explore and confront our feelings in a non-judgmental way.

Through creative expression, we can delve into our inner thoughts, wants, and beliefs, fostering self-discovery and personal growth. It helps us learn who we are. Plus doing creative activities breaks the monotony of daily routines and offers a refreshing change of pace. It stimulates the mind and encourages a shift in perspective.

Creativity doesn’t just mean being good at art or music. Creative outlets could mean journaling, finding a unique hobby that you’re passionate about, or even crafting.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial aspect of good self-care. Establishing limits on what behavior is acceptable from others helps maintain emotional and mental well-being. By clearly communicating our needs and limits, we protect ourselves from feeling overwhelmed or taken advantage of.

Boundaries support healthy relationships by fostering mutual respect and understanding. They allow us to prioritize our own needs without guilt, enabling us to preserve our energy for what truly matters. Embracing boundaries is a powerful act of self-love that nurtures our sense of worth and helps create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation can serve as a beneficial form of self-care. By practicing mindfulness, we can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and rediscover inner peace. Taking the time to focus on the present moment without judgment or distraction allows for a mental reset and a chance to center oneself amidst the chaos of daily life.

Engaging in regular mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote overall well-being. It is a simple yet powerful practice that empowers individuals to nurture their mental and emotional health, making it an essential tool for self-care in today's fast-paced world.

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